
welcome to drive on

the best safety measures

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welcome to drive on

the best safety measures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, minim veniamsed sed do eiusmod tempor maksu rez ut labore magna do eiusmod

welcome to drive on

the best safety measures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, minim veniamsed sed do eiusmod tempor maksu rez ut labore magna do eiusmod

TFP vs. DFP vs. CFP

Our Story

Cyber Management - Discover the Power of Your Business Data

PIN is a cyber-digital customer acquisition company utilizing sophisticated data management with multi-faceted, strategy deployment combining proprietary market intelligence with mathematical prowess.

Data, Discipline & Deployment

PIN Business Network creates a digital strategy that will empower your business to grow. We deliver on this based on our mantra of data, discipline and deployment. We manage the chaos.


PIN is a data company. We see data as the valuable intelligence collected across your digital assets that provides insight into your customers’ behavior and context. We turn your data into purposeful intelligence. It is our business to understand absolutely how data is gathered, transferred and analyzed. We leverage your data to drive more customers to your business. We analyze who your ideal customers are, by identifying their triggers, attributes and unique identifiers so we can find more customers just like them. Quite simply, we create a 1:1 match between your business and your ideal customers online giving you a competitive advantage and empowering your business to grow.


PIN develops and activates your digital strategy with precision discipline. Our proven methodology includes managing your online footprint, securing your digital assets, optimizing your search presence and monitoring your online reputation. We privatize your data to protect you from having to acquire back your own data being collected by data aggregators who may have scripts on your digital assets. We manage third-party digital technologies and prevent your data from leaking and your competitors buying your data. We provide structure and service that will steer your decision making, fine-tune your media allocation, adjust your budgets, and customize and improve the customer experience with personalized content, messaging and offers.


PIN deploys digital marketing strategies centered around your business priorities. We target your most valuable customers and prospects with an integrated approach that includes our proprietary technology in combination with innovative algorithms incorporating SEM, retargeting and geo-fencing, native content, mobile campaigns, call tracking, superior account management and more. In addition, PIN has built a data co-op nearing 100 billion data points across various population centers. Our own micro social communities are supported by an adept native content team that functions in a newsroom for our syndication channels. In total, these assets, at the right combination levels, help increase your understanding of your customers as well as grow your customer base.

Current State of Affairs

An Unsustainable Business Model

Chart your new car gross profit for the last decade or more. What you will find is a chart that looks like this.

The proliferation of the internet has led to the ability to sell more cars. However, that has come at an unbearable tenet and a helter-skelter disregard for profitability. Margin-compression has been ignored for too long!

The Business of Business is Profit and without such, there is no business!

It is not that you are unaware of the issue, it’s more a matter of why and how can it be fixed.

Asking the right questions to find solutions to margin-compression while growing market share and growing fixed operation expense absorption is the utopic business scenario where volume meets ultimate profitability.

Driving Innovation, Traffic, Leads and Sales…this is what we do!

Dealer PMA Issues and Realities

PIN provides a unique strategy. We pinpoint consumer audiences and create coordinated strategies that deliver specific and targeted messaging. We deploy campaigns using data and math.

Our strategy is exclusive to dealers within a PMA locking out dealer competition. We cannot work with every dealer nor do we want to, only a select few.

Creating this model is very expensive therefore, it is not for most dealers…only those that are forward thinking, dedicated to innovation and willing to invest in and build sustaining profitability.

This strategy is unique to our company. No other vendors do what we do. We build unique consumer audiences utilizing multiple, coordinated strategies and dedicate the time to analyze, segment and deploy coordinated messaging across multiple digital marketing channels using data and math as opposed to a “Spray, Pray and Hope” traditional mentality.


We start with a whiteboarding session where we discover the key components that will drive your digital strategies.

We learn as much about your business as possible and your current marketing efforts in the digital as well as the traditional space. What has worked and what has not including; identifying your key competitors; determining your KPI’s; identifying any “holes” in your marketing strategy; conducting a script analysis; and finding out “what keeps you up at night” or “wakes you up early” in the morning. And this is what we typically learn:

Multiple Vendors - 9 Average

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Mixed Messaging

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Fixed Spend Budgets

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No Deployment Schedules

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Key Channels Missing

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Lack of Consistency

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Data Scraping

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Defensive Spending

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No Centralized Reporting

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Lack of Accountability


Search Marketing

Utilize Best Practices Through Multiple Channels

Keyword Managment

Fully Transparent

Cross Device Budgets

On-Going Weekly Consultation


Don’t Waste Money on Broad Keywords

  • Search drives 70% of mobile calls
  • Direct traffic effectively
  • Conversion tracking
  • Call forwarding system
  • Block competitors
  • Detail reporting

Display Network

Reach the Right Audience at the Right Moment.

  • Define unique audiences
  • Set targeting parameters
  • Deploy content strategy

Display Targeting

The tools and strategies guide successful customer acquisition. We understand the attributes to make your campaign effective.


Target based on the content they are consuming.


Utilizes a multi-channel & competitive approach.


Place your ads in emails people subscribe to.

Website List

Demand-side access to the display network.



Third-party behavioral audience targeting.


Retarget customers and utilize competitor data.

Social Media

Guide unique engagement through social media.

IP Address

Targeting great for B2B or B2B Acquisition.

Email & Phone

Target by unique lists that you want to reach.


Spends are Variable

  • Your volume varies monthly, your spend should as well!
  • Why doesn’t it commission?
  • We have your best interest at heart


Target unique first party data. Unlike any other look-alike data

  • Recency and frequency capping
  • Above the fold inventory
  • Increased CTR

Search Optimization

SEO Strategy – Own the Top Spots

  • Content driven social media pages and presence
  • Unique content developed in-house at PIN
  • Organic social posts to drive relevant web traffic
  • Native SEO through custom designed content
  • Custom landing pages un-indexed

Landing Page Technology



Social Influence

Social Pages and Pods

  • Social pages engage the community
  • PIN pods deploy local content
  • Your business reaches new customers


Facebook Native Strategy

  • Utilize native content strategies to reach people
  • Maximize overall Facebook impressions through advanced audience reach strategy
  • Competitor audience Facebook targeting on the right-side of Facebook home page (desktop)
  • 80% mobile and 20% desktop native targeting to a user on Facebook news feed
  • Guide users with native advertisements then drive them to conversion driven pages

Data DNA

Cyber Data DNA and Profile

Reach people the way they want to be reached

  • Analyzing your ideal customer data DNA requires detailed scripting on all elements of your digital program.
  • We then look to find common threads, characteristics, and psychographics and demographics to locate, target and acquire new customers with similar traits.

How do you view your customers and prospects?

Highly targeted messaging using triggers and identifiers that gauge user interest.

We use one-to-one marketing approach vs. traditional thinking with the spray, pray & hope mentality.

Granular psychographics and demographics:

  • Cat Lover / Dog Lover
  • Homeowner / Renter
  • Recently Married
  • DINKS / Children
  • Movies / Museums
  • Hiker / Biker or both?

We engage and deploy content and messages at the Cyber-Data-DNA strand level.

  • Multi-channel deployment
  • We track user engagement
  • We manager the database
  • We deploy relevant content

Dealer 360

Managed Cyber Optimization – Transparent On-Going Consultation

Data, Discipline, Deployment

Customer acquisition solutions:

  • We can reach new customers and keep current customers without spending a fortune.
  • We can find new customers without heavy discounts and reducing margin compression.
  • We know that’s working and what’s not working. We modify our approach on a daily basis.
  • We minimize ad-blindness and keep your message fresh and content relevant.